Intentional intelligent humor is alive and well at Words & Unwords because scientific humor never goes out of style.  Whether it's biology, chemistry, physics, math, psychology, statistics, etc., you'll be sure to find some gifts for yourself and others that you'll enjoy throughout the year.

If there's a design that you'd like on a product (e.g., iPad case, necklace, poster, rug, desk mat, socks, etc.), feel free to contact Lucille S. Chang at Words & Unwords at wordsunwords[at] (replacing the "[at]" with the @, of course).  Include the title of the design on an existing product and what product you'd like to see it on, along with the vendor that you’d like to purchase from (e.g., Zazzle, Merch on Amazon, etc.).  Bulk order inquires for shipping within the United States are also welcome at the same e-mail address: wordsunwords[at] (replacing the "[at]" with the @).  If you are seeking wholesale prices for specific items (e.g., a large event, corporate gathering or convention), feel free to include some details such as budget (e.g., can only pay up to $X for a sticker or mug) and time constraints (must be received by X date). I, Lucille S. Chang, am the designer of all designs that you view at Words & Unwords. No design should be construed as factual or true; I am trying to promote scientific humor in its own right.