Meiosis Outcomes Will Vary Biology Humor

Meiosis is the cellular division process whereby the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half. Anyone with gametes will enjoy any of these wry biological humor gifts featuring the process of meiosis along with the scientific truism saying "Meiosis - Outcomes Will Vary". Make others do a double-take with definitional scientific attitude today with any of these educational tongue-in-cheek meiosis saying gifts!

Evolutionary History Can Be A Bit Repetitive Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny

Do you ever think about evolutionary history? How the concept of evolution came to be? No need to be familiar with the biological maxim "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" to enjoy any of these evolutionary humor gifts. Featuring embryonic stages of various organisms -- a diagram often falsely attributed to Ernest Haeckel. Includes the biology humor saying: "evolutionary history can be a bit repetitive". Make others do a double-take with any of these featuring the similarities amongst various embryos of different species!

Life Is Nothing But A Segregated And Independent Matter Mendelian Genetics Punnett Square Dihybrid Cross

No need to be a biologist to enjoy wry classical genetics humor with any of these gifts featuring a Punnett square showing a dihybrid cross of peas. Make others do a double-take with wry classical genetics attitude with the biological saying for all those who know about Gregor Mendel's contribution to the field of genetics with the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment. Truism says it all: "Just Call Me Segregated and Independent". Make others do a double-take on exactly what you mean with any of these biological attitude gifts!

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Life Is Nothing But A Segregated Mendelian Genetic Pillows
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When You Do Not Breathe You Expire (Respiratory System Humor)

No need to work in the healthcare field to enjoy any of these gifts featuring the respiratory system, complete with labels of all key parts, as well as the truism saying "When You Do Not Breathe You Expire". Make others do a double-take with any of these colorful scientific truism gifts for all who breathe -- and are very happy to do so!

When You Do Not Breathe You Expire (Respiratory) Shirt
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Look at more Respiratory system T-Shirts at zazzle

Death Of A Virus By A Killer T Cell (Immunology)

No need to be an immunologist or virologist to enjoy this educational, scientific design of a death of a virus by a killer T cell! Memorable science attitude gifts for all who are interested in finding out how viruses get killed by killer T cells! Showcase your immunological humor side today!

Filled With Biochemical Energy Krebs Cycle

Do you know that you are filled with biochemical energy? Krebs cycle attitude is alive and well on any of these gifts featuring the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle - TCAC) along with the saying "Filled With Biochemical Energy". Scientific truism fun for anyone who knows how biochemical energy is produced within cells! Great gifts for any scientist or science teacher!

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Support The Hardy-Weinberg Principle Practice Random Mating In Infinite Populations (Allele Frequencies)

Do you find the random walk of evolution to be a bit quaint? No need to be an evolutionary biologist to enjoy wry geek humor with any of these gifts featuring a graph of two allele frequencies along with the following saying that will make others do a double-take on what the Hardy-Weinberg principle is all about: "Support The Hardy-Weinberg Principle Practice Random Mating In Infinite Populations".

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Support The Hardy-Weinberg Principle Practice Buttons
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Support The Hardy-Weinberg Principle Practice Party Plate
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Support The Hardy-Weinberg Principle Practice Mouse Pad
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Support The Hardy-Weinberg Principle Practice Trucker Hat
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Here's How I Can Hibernate Thermogenesis

Do you hibernate? No need to be a biologist or biochemist to showcase your knowledge of what goes on inside of cells of hibernating mammals with any of these gifts with the saying "Here's How I Can Hibernate". Comes with the diagram of the activation cascade of thermogenin in cells of brown adipose tissue. Educational, scientific gifts to showcase your knowledge of non-shivering thermogenesis!

Gardeners Never Die They Just Go To Seed (Bean Seed Dicotyledon)

No matter what age you are or what you garden, you'll enjoy timeless wry seed attitude with any of these anatomical gifts featuring a bean seed (dicotyledon), along with the humorous saying and observation: "Gardeners Never Die They Just Go To Seed". Make others do a double-take about exactly what gardeners do with any of these tongue-in-cheek biological humor gifts!