Showcase your wry attitude toward imitation with a dose of signage humor with any of these gifts featuring the yellow diamond warning sign along with the truism saying "Do As I Say Not As I Do".

Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Fridge Magnets by wordsunwords
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Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Notebooks by wordsunwords
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Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Cake Topper by wordsunwords
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Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Party Plate by wordsunwords
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Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Dry Erase Boards by wordsunwords
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Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) iPhone 4 Covers by wordsunwords
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Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Round Wallclocks by wordsunwords
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Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Round Stickers by wordsunwords
Design your own stickers at Zazzle.

Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Mesh Hats by wordsunwords
Design unique personalised trucker hats.

Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Mousepads by wordsunwords
Make any mousepad custom from Zazzle.

Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Cards by wordsunwords
Create custom greeting cards at Zazzle.

Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Sweatshirt by wordsunwords
Use Zazzle's online t shirt designer.

Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Canvas Bag by wordsunwords
Design a custom beach bag at Zazzle

Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Tees by wordsunwords
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Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Necklaces by wordsunwords
See other Warning sign Necklaces at zazzle

Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Pillows by wordsunwords
Shop for Warning sign Pillows online at

Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Case For The iPad Mini by wordsunwords
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Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Card Deck by wordsunwords
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Do As I Say Not As I Do (Yellow Warning Sign) Posters by wordsunwords
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