Leonardo da Vinci Painter Practice Eye Reason Existence Quote

Showcase your intellectual, reflective side with any of these observation quote gifts featuring some advice by Renaissance artist and scientist, Leonardo da Vinci. da Vinci once wrote the following: "The painter who draws merely by practice and by eye, without any reason, is like a mirror which copies everything placed in front of it without being conscious of their existence." Existential, philosophical thought for all who paint!

Bridge Is A Game With Its Own Rhyme And Reason (Four Card Suits)

Showcase your wry bridge / duplicate bridge sense of humor with any of these gifts featuring the four card suits along with the saying "Bridge Is A Game With Its Own Rhyme And Reason". Memorable bridge saying gifts for any avid bridge player or bridge teacher!
Bridge Is A Game With Its Own Rhyme And Reason Lunchbox
Bridge Is A Game With Its Own Rhyme And Reason Lunchbox by wordsunwords
Check out other Bridge is a game Yubo Lunchbox at zazzle.com
Bridge Is A Game With Its Own Rhyme And Reason Cake Pick
Bridge Is A Game With Its Own Rhyme And Reason Cake Pick by wordsunwords
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da Vinci Painter Practice Eye Reason Existence Quote

No need to be a painter to admire a famous painter's words of wisdom. Advice quote on observation by Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci: "The painter who draws merely by practice and by eye, without any reason, is like a mirror which copies everything placed in front of it without being conscious of their existence." Make others do a double-take before painting a picture with a dose of sound advice with any of these da Vinci quote gifts featuring the infamous self-portrait of da Vinci!
da Vinci Painter Practice Eye Reason Mirror Quote Placemat
da Vinci Painter Practice Eye Reason Mirror Quote Placemat by wordsunwords
Check out more Leonardo da vinci Placemats at Zazzle